Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Me & the Bees Lemonade is a privately held company. Mikaila is the founder and CEO. She is supported by her family and a few great partners.
Yes, Me & the Bees Lemonade is a certified National Minority Supplier.
How can I contact Me & the Bees Lemonade’s corporate office?
You are welcome to call 1-512-580-3899 or email us at
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Product Related
Where is your product made?
Me & the Bees Lemonade is produced in a state-of-the art commercial food processing facility
Does Me & the Bees Lemonade contain gluten, dairy?
No, our lemonades are still primarily sweetened with honey and made using simple ingredients.
What is Flaxseed?
Flaxseed is a wonder seed which comes from flax, and is one of the oldest fiber crops in the world - known to have been cultivated in ancient Egypt and China.
Flaxseed is a source of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants; modern research has found evidence to suggest that flaxseed can also help lower the risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
Is Me & the Bees Lemonade pasteurized?
Yes, our lemonade is pasteurized. It is heated to an elevated temperature for a very short amount of time to ensure food safety.
Do I need to keep Me & the Bees Lemonade refrigerated?
Me & the Bees Lemonade requires refrigeration after opening.
Sugar & Sweeteners
Why was it important to reduce sugar in Me & the Bees Lemonade?
As consumers look for more ways to cut sugar from their beverage consumption, every gram counts. Me & the Bees wanted to offer an even healthier beverage choice. We reduced the grams of sugar, as well as overall calories, in all four fun and functional flavors of lemonade.
How was this sugar and calorie reduction achieved?
This reduction is made possible by maintaining the beneficial use of honey, reducing the cane sugar and adding Monk Fruit, a melon-like fruit native to southeast Asia that is carb and sugar-free and does not raise blood sugar levels.
What is Monk Fruit?
Monk fruit, also known as “lo han guo,” is a melon-like fruit native to southeast Asia. It was initially cultivated by Buddhist monks.
Monk fruit is 300-400 times sweeter than sugar. Compared to sugar, a 1/4 cup of sugar is achieved by 1/6 of a teaspoon of pure monk fruit.
Is Me & the bees still sweetened with honey?
Yes, Me & the Bees is still sweetened with the rich in vitamins and minerals, natural sweetener honey.
How many grams of sugar does Me & the Bees Lemonade have?
Our lemonades have between 13 and 19 grams of sugar per 8-ounce serving, depending on the flavor.
How does that compare to other ready-to-drink beverages?
Me & the Bees has up to 25% less sugar and up to 33% fewer calories compared to other grab-and-go options in the ready-to-drink category.
What do you do to keep sugar lower than other drinks?
We continue to use sugar and honey and sugar to sweeten our lemonades, but less of it. To give it the sweetness without the calories, we decided to replace some of the sugar with monk fruit as a sweetener because it is all-natural, sugar-free and it does not raise blood sugar levels.
I love your lemonade, but it’s not sweet enough. Can you make it fully sweet with more sugar instead?
Our goal is to strike a balance between sweet and tart by using all-natural grade-A pure honey, sugar, and a bit of monk fruit. For those who want to indulge with a sweeter option, we recommend adding any one of or a combination of the three sweeteners included in the original product.
Do you use organic sugar and/or is it GMO?
Yes, we use certified organic non-GMO sugar and it is also kosher, halal, and sourced right here in the U.S.
Why did you decide to lower the overall sugar content?
According to a recent study by a Harvard research group, Americans who used to drink a lot of sugary drinks now drink less. Because many consumers are looking for ways to decrease their sugar intake. We decided to make this change in 2018 to present a solution to the demand for great-tasting, all-natural beverages that contain less sugar.
Would you ever make a sugar-free option for those looking for no sugar?
Because our lemonades are all-natural, we don’t believe using only sweeteners that are considered sugar-free will make for a great-tasting lemonade that our customers know and love us for.
Would you consider only using honey as a sweetener?
Part of the product legacy comes from Mikaila’s great grandmother’s recipe. To make sure the true lemonade flavor shines through, we use a combination of sugar -to honor the original recipe of Great Grandma Helen- and honey -to honor our mission of helping save the bees. We have, however, modified the original recipe to provide an option with less sugar overall.
Can you tell me more about monk fruit?
Monk fruit, also known as lo han guo or Swingle fruit, is a small round fruit. It is used as an all-natural way to make no-calorie sweeteners, generally used to lower added sugars while still providing a satisfactory sweet taste.
Buying Me & the Bees lemonade
Where can I buy Me & the Bees Lemonade?
You can find our lemonade in some natural food grocers in the Southwest region of the United States and a limited number of restaurants and boutique locations. To find a retailer in your neighborhood, please see: "Store Locator."
Can I order your lemonade online?
Yes! Please click here to order Me & the Bees Lemonade.
How do I get my favorite store to stock Me & the Bees Lemonade?
There are two easy ways to request stores to stock Me & the Bees Lemonade. You can download our store buyers' letter and take it to your favorite store or just click here to Request Me & the Bees.
Where do I get Coupons?
From time to time, coupons are made available in local newspapers, magazines and through in-store displays. We also make product coupons available on our website via our newsletter. To sign up for our newsletter please click here.
Selling Me & the Bees Lemonade - for Retailers & Distributors
Does Me & the Bees Lemonade work with a distributor?
Yes, we currently partner with United Natural Foods, KeHE, and DPI. If you are interested in distributing Me & the Bees Lemonade, visit our Wholesale page here.
What’s new for the Healthy Hive Foundation?
The Healthy Hive Foundation (HHF), will continue to save our pollinators with new research on the impact of wild fires on the honeybees. In addition, the HHF, will begin utilizing technology to monitor the sound, movement and temperature of bee hives. Learn more about HHF here.