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Celebrate Black Business Month with Me & the Bees!

Support black businesses

August is #NationalBlackBusiness month.  Created in 2004, this campaign was started to highlight and celebrate the more than 2 million – and growing - Black-owned businesses in the US.  Your support through the last 13 years has helped our Black woman-owned business become a success – thank you!  We want to highlight the importance of supporting Black-owned businesses and encourage you with these examples on how you can help.

Here are 8 simple ways you can start today:

  • Be intentional – find local ways to shop and buy from Black-owned businesses. Building the success of these businesses in your local area and makes a big impact on the entire community.
  • Include Black-owned businesses and owners in networking events and investment opportunities.
  • Give out some social media love – blog, post, and share the good news about your Black-owned business finds online.
  • Write a testimonial or review of the products you like – take the time to reach out to the business with your experience with the products/services of the business.
  • Do your research – hit the internet to search for products that you can find by Black-owned business. Whether you want to support local, made in the US, or online products, a little searching will connect you with an abundance of options for you.
  • Celebrating an event or promotion? Many Black-owned companies are looking to join you in your gifting. From weddings to employee appreciation gifts, and many more celebrations, look to include Black-owned products/services to support and share.
  • If you are a Black-owned business, collaborate and share your support for other businesses to join in celebrating each other and bringing even more awareness to the amazing products Black owners have to offer.
  • Have a guilty pleasure? Favorite drink, snack, make-up, books?  With over 2 million Black-owned businesses, look for a similar product from one of these companies – you might just find a new favorite!
Share with friends!



It's my birthday and I've always thought it's better to give than to receive!!

So, as a token of my appreciation,  I am celebrating by giving back to you.  Join in on the fun. #MikailaTurns13

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