Why Dads Are the Bee's Knees

With Father’s Day quickly approaching, I wanted to take time to buzz about my dad. Everyone says they have the best dad, but I think I really do. At Me & the Bees, we call my dad the Chief Worker Bee. He's the head of operations and finance and has taught me great financial lessons that have helped shape my interest in business. My earliest lesson was to give, save and then spend money - in that exact order. He's insistent about giving first to an important cause or to others in need when you begin earning money. Then, he encourages me to save for my future - college. Lastly, he advises me to spend money on something special after working hard to hit my goals. Whether it was a doll in my earlier years or now the latest technology and great concert tickets, I always remember to plan for the future.
Back at our hive, a personal lesson he's taught me is that good things take time. My dad loves to garden. He makes sure that each plant is cared for and each garden is built to host happy plants and pollinators. I remember his patience when I get frustrated and try to keep that lesson in my daily life! I'd love to hear from you about the greatest lessons you've learned from your dad.