Hand-Made Hand-Sani and Other Lemony Cleaning Recipes

Me and the Bees - homemade hand sanitizer

Keep clean with easy-to-make hand-sanitizer! There’s nothing better than a good old-fashioned hand scrubbing to prevent the spread of germs and viruses, but if soap and water aren’t available, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer works wonders. You can also clean house with yummy-smelling, non-toxic products (non-toxic products are free of pesticides that do harm to our bees and taint our crops. Check out these easy-to-make recipes:


Hand-Made Hand-Sani

The point of sanitizing your hands is to make them clean as a whistle. So when making your hand-sani at home, make sure your space and countertops are clean, wash your hands before making the sanitizer, mix your concoction with a clean spoon and whisk, and don’t touch the mixture with your hands until it’s ready to use.

What you'll need:

  • Two parts* isopropyl or rubbing alcohol
  • One part* aloe vera gel
  • A few drops essential oil (tea tree or something you love), or use lemon juice instead

Combine the above ingredients in a bowl. Mix with a spoon and then beat with a whisk to turn the sanitizer into a gel. Pour the ingredients into an empty bottle for easy use—LABEL IT HAND SANITIZER). Let your concoction infuse for a minimum of 72 hours (so the sanitizer has time to kill any bacteria that may have been introduced during the mixing process).

*The key to making effective (germ-busting) hand sanitizer is to stick to a 2:1 proportion of alcohol to aloe vera. This keeps the alcohol content to around 60% which is the minimum needed to kill germs.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Hand sanitizer recipes like the one above are intended for use by people with the necessary expertise and resources for safe creation and proper utilization. Only use homemade hand sanitizers in situations when handwashing isn’t available. Don’t use them on children’s skin as they may be more prone to use them improperly, leading to greater risk of injury.


Scented All-Purpose Cleaner

What you'll need:

  • One part white vinegar
  • One part water
  • Lemon zest
  • Rosemary sprigs, or Lavender oil (choose one or combine them)

Combine the above ingredients, pour into a spray bottle, shake, and then let infuse for 5 to 7 days before using. Once done, you can use the solution to freshen laundry, clean counters and tough stains, and on toys.


Simple DIY Scouring Powder

 What you'll need:

  • Juice from half of lemon 
  • 1/2 cup baking soda

Sprinkle baking soda onto a damp sponge or cloth. Rub it into the surface you wish to clean. Rinse with water and you're done!