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Beelieve Blog

Autumn, Summer, Winter, STING: Treating Springtime Bee Stings

Autumn, Summer, Winter, STING: Treating Springtime Bee Stings

  Spring is in the air! Wildflowers are blooming all across the country and the bees are taking notice. Remember, bees are our littlest and biggest links in our food chain and Spring is the busiest time of the year for our friends to pollinate. As you and your family go out to enjoy the great weather, always be aware of your surroundings. Bees are pretty good at warning people away. However, Worker bees will sting if they feel threatened by loud noises, curious hands, or sniffing dog snouts. When a bee stings, it releases a painful venom known as apitoxin....

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What’s All the Buzz About?

What’s All the Buzz About?

I'm  often asked why I spend so much energy trying to save the bees. Funny enough, my love for bees started with a series of painful stings. When I was 4 ½ years old I got stung by two bees in one week. Unsurprisingly, this experience left me terribly afraid of bees. In an effort to help me get over my fear, my parents encouraged me to do some research into the ecological role of honey bees. My research revealed how incredibly important bees are to sustaining healthy ecosystems. I also learned that bees are dying at an alarming rate....

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  Nothing screams Halloween more than pumpkins.  I love to see the scary jack-o-lanterns lit-up and lined up on porches all over my neighborhood. This year, I decided to try something new.  Instead of carving a scary face, I would carve a bee!  Yes!   Why?  To bring awareness to the fact that bees pollinate pumpkins.  Not just honey bees, but wild bees, squash bees and bumble bees all work hard to make sure we can celebrate the holidays by either carving our favorite scary face on a pumpkin, drinking a pumpkin spice latte or just making a yummy pumpkin pie.  The science...

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Everyone Loves a Good Maze. Right?

Everyone Loves a Good Maze. Right?

When collecting nectar to make honey, a honey bee may visit 50-100 flowers during the “collection trip.”  Get your pencils out and help the hardworking honey bee find its flower!  Complete the maze and help the bee pollinate the flower. I want to see your hard work. When finished, feel free to post, share, and tag #LoveHoneyBees  Download Maze here .  Activity level - up to 2nd grade Love Mikaila

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I’m all about the bees, ‘bout those bees, and Honey

I’m all about the bees, ‘bout those bees, and Honey

Here at Me & the Bees, we are all about the bees. They are the reason we get to enjoy so many delicious things, including my lemonade! Every day I learn new things about our littlest and biggest links in our food chain.  In celebration of National Honey Bee Day, I am sharing fun facts about the honey bees and even a few fun activities. Just like me, if you’re looking for something to do to celebrate the honey bees, look no further. I encourage you to share one of the fun facts below, learn how to save the bees, or purchase a...

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Why I Love My Queen Bee

Why I Love My Queen Bee

Today we are celebrating both our Mom's and our Queen Bees for Mother's Day. Below is a pretty awesome interview with Bee Expert Mr. Dan, from BeeWeaver.   We share - Why a Hive is not a Home Without a Queen. So first let’s talk about the queen in the hive. Could you give a bit of background info on that? The Queen honey bee is the Mother of all the bees in a colony.  If one wants to find another example in nature for how crucial Mothers are in our lives and society there are few better places to look...

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Go Chemical-Free

Go Chemical-Free

Clean your house with fun-to-make, non-toxic cleaning products. They’re free of chemicals and pesticides which can harm your families and our pollinators. Staple ingredients like white vinegar, baking soda, salt, lemons and essential oils help treat tough stains, clean windows, tables toys and floors while making your home smell fresh. Click below for family friendly recipes: Scented all-purpose cleaner What you'll need: One part white vinegar One part water Lemon zest Rosemary sprigs, or Lavender oil  (choose one or combine them) Combine the above ingredients together, pour into a spray bottle, shake, and then let infuse for 5 to 7 days before using. Once done, you can use...

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A Spoonful of Honey

Cold and flu season got you down? Honey to the rescue!

Check out the ways this superfood can help get you through the worst of the winter sniffles. 

Tame a Cough – A 2007 study by the Penn State College of Medicine found that a spoonful of honey outperformed over-the-counter cough syrup in keeping a cough at bay. That’s nothing to sneeze at!

Soothe Sore Throats – Honey and lemon stirred into hot tea is a time-honored household remedy for fighting a sore and scratchy throat. Research shows that honey is an effective wound-healer, which may help explain the science behind mom’s wisdom.

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Bee to Z guide for entrepreneurs

Bee to Z guide for entrepreneurs

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Shaping Retail's Future

beesweet lemonade mikailasbees NRF retail

Shaping Retail's Future

  I want to tell you all about my un-BEE-lievable weekend in New York City where I was honored as a ‘Dreamer’ and one of 25 people shaping the future of retail by the National Retail Federation Foundation.I was told that I was the youngest person to ever have received this recognition and I'm thrilled to have met so many awesome people who were also honored for their imagination and innovation. The NRF weekend included an honoree dinner, a gala and a huge retail tradeshow.  The highlight of my weekend was The Gala event held at Pier Sixty in New York...

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It's my birthday and I've always thought it's better to give than to receive!!

So, as a token of my appreciation,  I am celebrating by giving back to you.  Join in on the fun. #MikailaTurns13

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